
12oz Black Walnut Pieces

1lb Box of Chocolate Fudge

1lb Box of Chocolate Nut Fudge

1lb Brittle Nuggets

1LB Holiday Sunbursts

1lb Holiday Taffy

1lb Popcorn Brittle

1lb Sunbursts (Chocolate Sunflower Seeds)

40oz Mixed Nut Inshell Deluxe

7oz Chili Lime Smoked Cashews

7oz Garlic Pepper Smoked Cashews
8oz Cashew R/S 240 (Bskt)

Almond Brittle

Alvey's 7 Chocolate Covered Cookies in a Bag

Alvey's Almond Wheel Bar

Alvey's Caramel Nut Bar

Alvey's Double Dipped Mint

Alvey's Melti Mint Bar

Alvey's Plain Caramel Bar

Antioxidant Medley Mix

Apple Rings


Banana Chips
Black Waffle Chambray Blanket
Bless Circa Wood Plaque


Boston Baked Beans
Brown Two Toned Riser

Butter Toffee Cashews

Butter Toffee Peanuts

Cajun Cashews

Cajun Corn Sticks

California Natural Pistachios

Cashew Brittle
Celebrate Platter

Chia Seeds

Chocolate Almonds

Chocolate Birthday Cake Cookie Bites

Chocolate Brownie Bites

Chocolate Caramel Cashew Patties

Chocolate Caramel Pecan Patties

Chocolate Caramel Sea Salt Almonds

Chocolate Cashews

Chocolate Cinnamon Bears

Chocolate Coconut Haystacks

Chocolate Coffee Beans

Chocolate Cookie Dough Bites

Chocolate Macadamias